View of entrance from Bitting Alley (Handicapped Accessable)
View of Front Door from Main Street

Upper Perkiomen Valley Library

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February 16, 2025

Library Closed

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Adult Activities >

Hot Spots

Hot Spots are temporarily unavailable as we look for continued funding.

MC-NPL received funding from the federal Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) to purchase hotspots. Any ECF-supported equipment can only be provided to patrons who declare they do not have access to the equipment or services sufficient to access the internet.

• Patron must be 18 years of age or older to borrow a Mobile Wi-Fi hotspot.
• Patron must show a valid ID when checking out a hotspot. If the ID does not have their current address, the patron must show official mail or similar documentation of current address so we can update the library records.
• Patron’s account must be in good standing with the library, and fines must be below $10.
• Mobile Wi-Fi hotspots must be checked out from and returned to MC-NPL. If a hotspot is returned to a library other than MC-NPL, the patron’s library account will be charged a $10 fee.
• Mobile Wi-Fi hotspots may be checked out for up to 2 weeks with no renewals. Only one hotspot at a time may be checked out to the same household.
• Patrons may not check out a hotspot the same day they return one. Patrons must wait 24 hours to check out another hotspot. • Each hotspot circulates in a case with a cable, power brick, instruction paperwork and barcode. The user is responsible for returning ALL these items in good condition. If the hotspot, cord, or charger is returned damaged or not returned at all, the user will be responsible for the replacement cost.
• Overdue hotspots will be deactivated.
• The hotspot should be kept in a temperature-controlled environment; Please DO NOT leave it in your car.


• Overdue fine – $10/day; Maximum overdue fine – $60
• Device returned to a library other than MC-NPL – $10 fee
• Replacement fees: Device – $15; Cord/power brick – $15; Case – $10


Montgomery County-Norristown Public Library is not responsible for information accessed using this device, or for personal information shared over the internet. Patrons acknowledge that they have been given the MC-NPL Electronic Resources Acceptable Use Policy and agree to its terms (full document attached.)
Patrons are encouraged to follow safe internet practices. The following behaviors can result in the suspension of hotspot privileges and/or criminal prosecution:
• Viewing, displaying, or disseminating materials that are judged in accordance with current legal definitions as being obscene.
• Use of the internet in any way that violates federal, state, or municipal laws.


Although internet content filtering is provided through the hotspot, parents/guardians are still responsible for monitoring what their children access via the hotspot. No filtering can be completely effective.

©2025 Upper Perkiomen Valley Library   •   350 Main Street   •   Red Hill, PA 18076   •   215-679-2020   •  

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