There is no problem that a library card can't solve
~ Eleanor Brown
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The UPV Library is a branch of the Montgomery County -
Norristown Public Library.
The Upper Perkiomen Valley Library is a local resource for research and entertainment for the public. This web site is an extension of our services, providing quality links and information. Feel free to browse the website and look for everything from books to upcoming events. Please Contact Us with any questions or comments you have about our website or the services we provide.
Wednesday, February 26 at 12:30pm
1) Choose a recipe from the selected cookbook
2) Prepare the recipe
3) Bring enough to share a small portion
4) Discuss the pros/cons of preparing it, ease of finding ingredients, changes you made to the recipe, etc!
Registration Required
Saturday, March 8 at 12:00pm
Join us for activities, crafts, movies, trivia, and general discussion of all things Anime! Snacks will be provided.
For Ages 15+
Registration Requested
Wednesday, March 12 at 6:00pm
Dr. Roger Allen Professor Emeritus University of Penn will be here to provide a deeper understanding of the Islam religion.
Registration Requested
Tuesday, March 18 at 6:00PM
Dr. Daisy Nelson-Century will bring history to life in this captivating performance that celebrates the incredible journey and legacy of one of America's most iconic figures, Harriet Tubman. This event promises to be both educational and uplifting as she shares stories of bravery, resilience, and the pursuit of freedom. Please join us as we celebrate this courageous woman in history.
Registration Required
Wednesday, March 19 at 7:00pm
Are you looking to expand your garden vegetable roster beyond tomatoes, peppers, and corn? This presentation will cover easy to grow, delicious vegetable varieties you may not have tried!
Master Gardener Kristi Wenrich grows, eats, and preserves every vegetable, herb, and spice for which she can acquire seeds. Her goal is to transform her tiny piece of suburbia into an edible landscape for humans, insects, and birds.
Registration Not Required
Thursday, March 20 at 2:30pm
The UPV Book Club will be participating in Longwood Garden's Community Read this year. Come for discussion and entertainment as we read the selection for 2025, Paradise Under Glass by Ruth Kassinger.
Registration Not Required
Visit to see what is happening and to register for programs and events.
This site and the included links are provided for informational purposes only. Upper Perkiomen Valley Library does not support, endorse or promote any business, organization, or product included in this site.
©2025 Upper Perkiomen Valley Library • 350 Main Street • Red Hill, PA 18076 • 215-679-2020 •